This functional conditioning program offers therapeutic exercises and stretching intervention that address muscle imbalances, poor posture and nerve involvement for people who have not had satisfactory outcomes with other forms of treatment, surgery or medication.
We do not diagnose or treat clients. Instead, we work with your body via movement therapy and mental imagery. These powerful techniques can greatly improve musculoskeletal function, decrease symptoms, help overcome rehab plateaus and return the body to a state of self-repair.
If after completing rehab you still lack range of motion, endurance, balance and coordination, this is where our work with you begins.
To Fit You offers a supervised strength and conditioning program that facilitates the recovery of clients with musculoskeletal and cardiovascular conditions. Specific exercise protocols designed by physicians, physical therapists and other health care providers are used to continue rehabilitation for most physical therapy or chiropractic patients after acute treatment is complete.
Unlike many traditional fitness trainers who may not have any professional education and applied experience working with people who have special medical needs while participating in an exercise program, Birgitt is a degreed and certified Medical Exercise Specialist with over 28 years of experience.
Please note that postrehab training does not diagnose or provide medical treatment of any kind.
* See our cancellation policy here.
PROMO >> 10% off initial package for first-time clients!